
Nicole Pschetz is a Brazilian born actress, physical theatre performer, and director. She moved to London (UK) in 2003, shortly after receiving a BA in Performing Arts from the University of Campinas (Brazil). Between 2003 and 2007 she trained in corporeal mime with the Theatre de L’Ange Fou, and was part of their company from 2006-2007. In 2009 she obtained a MA of Arts from the Drama Centre, University of the Arts London. When leaving the school she worked as an actress on the short film The List, which was awarded best short film by the Welsh BAFTA in 2010. The years after she left the Theatre de L’Ange Fou were filled with collaborations with dancers, directors, and musicians. Such collaborations have taken her to work in projects in Sweden, Italy, and Portugal. It is also during this time that she started to attend dance classes at the London School of Contemporary Dance. At the end of 2010, together with the Mexican performer Antonio Blanco, she co-founded Energinmotion Physical Theatre. Energinmotion was a company that aimed to devise new work that explored human behaviour through researching a progression from realism towards stylisation. Energinmotion projects included: La Ola, a short piece based in the story Mi Vida Con La Ola (My Life With the Wave) by Octavio Paz; BE LONELY WITH ME, a site specific piece on urban solitude performed at the St Pancras International Station (London); and the devised show Where the Nights Are Blue and Electric. The company was active between 2010 and 2013.

Joseph Jaouen is a French sound and multimedia artist. He graduated from the École National Superieure Louis-Lumière (Saint Denis, France) in 2004 with specialisation in sound. In that same year he discovered computer programming for multimedia and real time at CRASLAB – Centre de Ressources Art Sensitif (Saint-Ouen, Île-de-France). From that moment he started a journey into self-learning free software designing, which is one of his fields of continuous research. He became a contributor at the centre, started teaching software designing with Pure Data and took part in the rebuilding of their learning space in 2012. Joseph has also worked as a light and sound technician for several stage companies and arts organisations in France such as Nyktalop Mélodie, Créatures Compagnie, La Ferme Godier, Mains d’Oeuvres, Anis Gras, Théâtre Paris Villette, Théâtre National de Chaillot. Together with Nyktalop Mélodie, he develops a research on real time video creation, on building interactive video devices, and teaches workshops on alternative image creation. Since 2010 he works with the transdisciplinary company Omproduck on creating softwares, interactive devices, and sound designing. This collaboration has taken him to perform all around France, and also in Belgium, Portugal, and Brazil.

Julie Jourdes is an actress. After graduating from the CNR d’Art Dramatique de Clermont-Ferrand, and obtaining her Licence STAPS, she completes her training with Mauricio Celedon, Alexandre del Perugia, the Théâtre du Soleil, and Alexei Levinski. In 2002, Julie joins the Teatro del Silencio. As a performer she works in many of the company’s shows all around France and abroad: Alice Underground (2002), Pablo Neruda (2004), Inferno (2004), Purgatorio, Madre Coraje (2005-2007), Paraiso (2008-2009), Malasangre (2009), Musée du bout du monde (2011), Emma Darwin (2010-2012), Dr Dapertutto (2015-2016), Oh ! Secours (2017-2018). She has also worked with Karlik Danza Teatro, Eugenio Amaya, Cirque baroque, la Cie du Souffleur de Verre,  and the Cie Bivouac. Julie is also a cinema and TV actress, and she currentmy works for the company Elizabeth Czerczuk.

The voice over actors Benjamin Bur, Camille Metzger, Edouard Michelon, Gabrielle Chabot, and Leonardo Ventura.

The violinist Fabio Melo.